Good Question.
AIDS/LifeCycle ...Here are the 8 "It"s of the ALC
from www.aidslifecycle.org:
1. It will take place June 4-10, 2006, as cyclists and volunteers will travel 585 miles through beautiful California from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
2. It is the official cycling event of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation.
3. It is about HIV & AIDS, and about raising money to help the beneficiaries continue to provide the critical services and education needed to meet the growing needs of our community.
4. It increases awareness and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among participants, their donors and the general public.
5. It addresses the widespread misperception that HIV disease and AIDS are no longer a problem -- in fact more people are living with HIV & AIDS today than ever before, which means a much greater need for services.
6. It increases AIDS activism and volunteerism among the participants and donor communities causing them to become ambassadors in the fight against AIDS.
7. It provides a reminder that the rate of HIV infection is increasing, particularly in communities of color and in individuals under the age of 25, and that in California alone there are more than 55,000 people living with AIDS, and another 125,000 living with HIV, many unaware of their infection.
8. It requires each Cyclist to raise a minimum of $2,500, and assigns them to a personal "Cycle Buddy" as their support system for help in training, fundraising, and emotional & practical support from the time they register right up through the event."
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