Many of the cities main transportation was via bicycle. I wish that I had mine, but mine would definitely stick out as there bicycles were quite a bit older than mine and were many different shapes and sizes.

Milan was crazy busy and cold. Florence was beautiful and we often found ourselves crisscrossing a lot of the same streets to get from one place to another. It was

Assisi, is a medieval castle on the side of a mountain top. We climbed the roads of this very small town that had a Abbey and cute little nuns roaming the streets. It had a very story book feel.

Pompeii had us in awe. Mt Vesuvius had erupted and wipped out this whole community. Archeologists had uncovered a lot of the city and as we walked the excavated streets it was very clear how advanced the Romans were for their time. It was also very devastating to see all the damage that the volcano had caused.

Napoli (Naples) held both beauty and poverty. Saw where the first pizza was made and saw castles a midst some very poor communities.
I ate a lot (won’t be having Italian for a while), got a good workout walking the streets of every city we came too. My 23 t