Italian Cross Training

As some of you know, I just got back from spending 2 weeks in Italy. I had a blast and was able to get in plenty of exercise as well. I started out in Rome and roamed up and down the narrow streets, seeing the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, Coliseum, and much of Eternal City. I spent a lot of time at the Vatican. St. Peter’s Square is quite large and I had the opportunity to climb 320 steps up to the top of the Coupa to see The Sistine Chapel. I saw the tombs of the Popes and the Chapel as well. Rome by night is amazing. The weather was gorgeous throughout the whole trip.
Many of the cities main transportation was via bicycle. I wish that I had mine, but mine would definitely stick out as there bicycles were quite a bit older than mine and were many different shapes and sizes.

The leaning Tower of Pisa is truly leaning. Climbing up to the top was a bit of a challenge as well. You definitely feel the towe leanning. But what a feeling when you reach the top and see the city from above. The stairways get smaller and smaller as you get to the top of the 293rd step.
Milan was crazy busy and cold. Florence was beautiful and we often found ourselves crisscrossing a lot of the same streets to get from one place to another. It was
so beautiful and we wanted to see as much as we can with all the cobble stones. I know I left plenty of foot leather in that city. Lake Maggiore was absolutely breath taking. We hiked around the lake and spent a lot of time staring at the heavenly view of the Swiss Alps (photo is of Claudia, my roomate, and I with the Swiss Alps behind us). A day trip into Lugano, Switzerland granted me the opportunity to see several cycling teams training. Many of the pods flew by us as they were on a very fast pace.
In Verona I saw the homes of Romeo & Juliet and yes the infamous balcony. We trekked up and down the streets on this ancient city. But my favorite city had to be in Venice. OMG!!! It was very magical. We had the opportunity to see it both at night and in the day. The many little islands, canals and shops, kept our curiosity peaked the whole time. Around every corner was something different. It was a gorgeous city, not very crowded this time of year and the weather was very kind to us. It is like being at Disneyland. Everything is big, amazing and elaborate. Very colorful and it didn’t seem real. We didn’t want to get off of the gondola ride.
Assisi, is a medieval castle on the side of a mountain top. We climbed the roads of this very small town that had a Abbey and cute little nuns roaming the streets. It had a very story book feel.
Many of the cobblestone roads were very steep and I wondered how the elderly got around.
Pompeii had us in awe. Mt Vesuvius had erupted and wipped out this whole community. Archeologists had uncovered a lot of the city and as we walked the excavated streets it was very clear how advanced the Romans were for their time. It was also very devastating to see all the damage that the volcano had caused.

Sorrento and Capri had breath tasking views along their coasts. We took a chair lift up to the top of Ana Capri and were amazing by the beauty that laid before us. Lots of steps and climbing as well.
Napoli (Naples) held both beauty and poverty. Saw where the first pizza was made and saw castles a midst some very poor communities.
I ate a lot (won’t be having Italian for a while), got a good workout walking the streets of every city we came too. My 23 t
ravel mates plus the driver and tour director were from all over the world. It was fun to hear everyone’s stories. But I am glad to be home and can’t wait to get back on my bike and ride through beautiful Southern California.
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