Well, time is ticking away... and it is almost time for me to head up to San Francisco to start my ride down the coast. I am all packed and ready to go. The nerves have kicked in and I am getting very anxious. I have been talking with my fellow cyclists and we are all feeling the same way. The ALC-LA staff have made their trek up to SF today and my tent mate, Tsufit, has left Tel Aviv, Israel and is heading to LAX as I type this. I have met her on IM, but we will meet for the first time face to face in SF (she is a good friend of my Cycle Buddy Kerry). Tsufit, will be a Roadie (she was one last year too). For the rest of us, it is a waiting game, counting down the hours to our departure.
I have good news! I will be able to update my site http://www.go-girl.blogsite.com/ while on my ride. I will try and update it (either via my cell phone, via my Mom or both) each night. You can also follow the event at http://experience.aidslifecycle.org/ . The Experience the Ride link will show written travelogues, audio podcasts, event photos, and other blogs of our event. At this link you can even send me a message as well. So make sure to check back each night starting Saturday, June 3rd to see what is happening on my ride to help end AIDS/ HIV.
Please note that if I use my cell phone the messages will be rather small. I need to conserve battery life, since I will not be able to charge my phone.
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