Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Site Updates During My Ride

Well, time is ticking away... and it is almost time for me to head up to San Francisco to start my ride down the coast. I am all packed and ready to go. The nerves have kicked in and I am getting very anxious. I have been talking with my fellow cyclists and we are all feeling the same way. The ALC-LA staff have made their trek up to SF today and my tent mate, Tsufit, has left Tel Aviv, Israel and is heading to LAX as I type this. I have met her on IM, but we will meet for the first time face to face in SF (she is a good friend of my Cycle Buddy Kerry). Tsufit, will be a Roadie (she was one last year too). For the rest of us, it is a waiting game, counting down the hours to our departure.

I have good news! I will be able to update my site http://www.go-girl.blogsite.com/ while on my ride. I will try and update it (either via my cell phone, via my Mom or both) each night. You can also follow the event at http://experience.aidslifecycle.org/ . The Experience the Ride link will show written travelogues, audio podcasts, event photos, and other blogs of our event. At this link you can even send me a message as well. So make sure to check back each night starting Saturday, June 3rd to see what is happening on my ride to help end AIDS/ HIV.

Please note that if I use my cell phone the messages will be rather small. I need to conserve battery life, since I will not be able to charge my phone.

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