eat news! My doctor has told me that I can start riding my bike again. I am not 100% but I would say that I am at about 90%. I'm still working to get better. Yay!! See you on the road.
This past weekend I got the opportunity to work with Wolf Adventures, www.wolfadventures.org, helping belay Middle School students up an adventurous climbing wall. The students were amazing, sweet and very well behaved. I was familiar with a lot of the schools that had attended and even saw students from my old Middle School, Sutter! I got to belay them (holding the rope that they are attached to as they climbed) all day long. The students were there as part of a reward program. It was a wonderful experience and the staff was great!
I am currently developing a new blog site that focuses on people new to cycling or just looking for some sweet cycling tips, techniques, equipement and products to help improve their performance. Stay tuned for the launch date.
Blog Buddies- Visit some of my fellow bloggers sites and read what they have to say..... Enjoy! (http://myblogbuddies.blogspot.com/)and
Cyclovations- Having trouble motivating yourself to go cycling? Hit a wall? Don't want to work out? Cyclovations is a site developed to help cyclists get motivated. Re-kindle that fire and enthusiasm to get back on that saddle and peddle on. (http://cyclovations.blogspot.com/)Check them out.
Wow, I can’t believe that this time last year I had just climbed Mt Whitney and had never heard of the organization AIDS Lifecycle or about the ride itself. Incredible how time flies and how things can happen so fast.
As many of you know my family has had many loses this year. Two of my great uncles past away in January and just a couple weeks ago one of my great aunts passed away as well. Thankfully they lived full lives and died of natural causes. Also, my friend Emily died in June while I was on the ride. With all of this I have been thinking about life and the gifts that it holds.
Last night I went for a jog with my friend Rachel around Lake Balboa. For those of you who don’t know, Lake Balboa is a man made lake that has a 1.3 mile walking path around it. I often go there kayaking as well. It is only 15 minutes from my house and a very nice escape from city life. At Lake Balboa one often forgets that they are still in the city. As we jogged around the lake it was as if we were jogging around the world. There were many different languages and accents, let alone Rachel’s British accent (she is visiting from the UK) heard.
There were people doing many different activities, from fishing, flying a kite, walking their dog, cycling, in-line skating, eating, cuddling, young kids playing, chasing and feeding the ducks. It was nature and human kind at its best. It is amazing how a smile can be contagious. The weather was gorgeous. I’m also reminded of how valuable my friends and family are. A huge thank you to Rachel, the girl has an incredibly busy schedule and was able to take time out to spend with me. Thanks Rach!
This summer, I hurt my shoulders and neck which are affecting my back and so can’t ride my road bike (the position I need to be in on a road back puts strain on my neck and shoulders). I am doing my best to take it easy and cross train in the meantime.
This Saturday there was a neighborhood cycling ride that went through the San Fernando Valley and I couldn’t ride in it. I was there in the morning and ran into a fellow ALCer (always a pleasure to see one—its true it is like seeing family). I wanted to cry when the cyclists were herded and released with a police escort and I wasn’t riding with them….through my own neighborhood. Ahh!!….I was quickly humbled. I am seeing a doctor (chiropractor), Dr. Bob. I love him!! Oh my goodness…he is so good. Hopefully with his talent and the cooperation of my body I will be well again and back on a road bike.
In the meantime I am living through the stories of my fellow cyclists and now my family. My uncle Jeff informed me that my Aunt Maria got a road bike and has been riding all over Carson City and the Lake Tahoe area. I am so proud. Go Aunt Maria!! Her spinning class just got back from a cycling tour in Italy. Wow!! OK, that is not on my list of things to do before I die. Also, huge props to my cousin Jon who has been cycling before many of us were very serious about it. Jon has been an inspiration and was in Canada for a cycling competition. He has been competing for years. In a couple weeks my friend from the ride Katie Barth will have completed her 3rd triathlon this summer. Go Katie! That is all for now. I hope that everyone is well.